ESG Commitment

We constantly challenge ourselves to be better and do better. This approach underpins our drive to achieve better outcomes in everything we do.
As a responsible lender, we lend carefully and precisely. Every loan we make balances opportunities and risks, identifying and considering the environmental, social and governance impact of the finance we provide.
Our management structure and approach to business ensure that we can respond quickly and safely to the changes and challenges presented by our dynamic marketplace. Likewise, our approach enables us to plan effectively for the long-term, while also operating to the highest institutional standards and maintaining our position as a leading alternative real estate lending platform.
Sustainable Finance
At Atelier, we are committed to supporting developers who are at the forefront of delivering low carbon residential property. We’ve made our support practical by pioneering a sustainable residential development finance solution, Carbonlite Challenge. The Carbonlite Challenge is our green finance solution. Designed with the RIBA and aligned to its 2030 Climate Challenge targets, it offers incentivised finance for greener homes – connecting smarter, cleaner capital with the most ambitious low-carbon residential property developers.

We are well placed to make a positive impact on local communities, by supporting the regeneration of brownfield sites and the upcycling and rejuvenation of existing and often unloved buildings. As financiers it isn’t possible or appropriate for us to influence the design or use of the properties we finance, but we aren’t afraid to say ‘no’ (and we do say ‘no’ regularly) if we believe a scheme isn’t for the good of the local community. By looking beyond the bricks and mortar of the schemes proposed to us, we can play a positive role in the community in a way that is rarely expected of a lender.

Health & Safety
We are proud of our culture of health and safety. While we do not engage in construction activity directly, we have our own team of professionals (internal and external) who visit construction sites regularly and monitor health and safety as part of our monthly monitoring of loan facilities. We take the view that a well-managed site with good health and safety is a sign of a good loan that will likely perform to contract. We provide feedback, both good and bad, to developers and aren’t afraid of acting when we identify unacceptable, unmitigated non-compliance, dangers or risks.